Saturday, April 27, 2013

Giveaway link from therushingherd

I entered in this awesome giveaway with lots of goodies for runners, you should too!

Short Insight

I was encouraged to start a blog that would chronicle my journey to getting back into shape with running and eating healthy. In high school I was very involved in sports such as soccer, track and swimming and in college I basically did nothing but walk the crazy hills from my dorm to classes. Last June I did Rugged Maniac with my Dad and had a blast and it sparked an interest to do other cool events like it. I did Color Me Rad in March, will be doing the Indy 500 5k in May, a virtual race in May, all to begin the long journey to run my FIRST half marathon in August. Join me in my journey to getting back in shape and my goal of running a 13.1 mile race.